Resolution Smesolution. Days 1, 2 & 3….

Horrible at this…. this “blogging” thing.  I ACTUALLY was doing really well for a bit there — once a week-ish.  My problem is, as I’ve mentioned in earlier blogs, is that I get un-focused…Other things take over… I make up excuses, really bad ones at that, of why I’m not able to blog that day, week, month…year. 

I could sit here and promise myself and anyone else who may be reading this – that I will faithfully do this every day, week, month, whatever… but, I probably will get caught up in something and it won’t last, per usual.. It actually bugs me…not gonna lie.  I’m envious of people that blog everyday..every week.  I feel like they have an interesting life..more than mine…a reason to go on and do “this” like it’s part of their daily/weekly routine…. ho hum… well — it should/could be part of mine, I suppose..

Well… In 2012, I’m not going to make a “false resolution” that I’m going to blog on a regular basis…  What I am going to do, is simply, Live.  And in that living, I hope to share those moments of life not only with you – but with myself.   I sometimes look back on my day or week or whatever, and say “wow, you did some cool should share them, etc”.  That is my goal – to share.  Hopefully in that, not only do all of you find something interesting…but I do too – a chance to re-visit ME. 

I could do this through a 365 Project , 52 Week Project or something of that nature….  I think setting a goal might help me to focus. To do this. 

I guess it all starts here….in this moment.  3 days into the month… I am.

Until next time….



Lovers…..of the International kind…

Miami…  a place of art deco, beaches, beautiful people, South Beach, a slice of espanol and culture…and a hotspot for movies apparently…

There has been this thing in the last couple of years of Movies and TV Shows being filmed down here….  from reality shows (Real World, Jersey Shore, etc…) to major movie productions – see my last post about Rock of Ages… TV shows like Burn Notice and Mad Men, etc….  While on the set of Rock of Ages one day – well, let’s be realistic – one morning at oh lets say 3am, I was watching a photographer running around taking pictures.  When a scene was finished shooting – he would gather the stars and shoot them in more posed shots — maybe with certain extras or whatever… but there he was – shooting.  During the rehearsals he would be shooting, etc…  So, of course me being the person that I am – want to know how I can do just that — get on set and shoot the stills and promo shots!

I asked my friend Blake (the kidnapper of me to Miami that nice evening) how I could get on set to do something like that – and he just shrugged and said “I don’t know…”  So of course – I need to research and see what I can figure out…  well, I kind of put it off, cause I had other stuff going on…..and kinda forgot about it…  Then, he came over the week of Aug 8th to drop something off to me…. ok, ok — he came over to drop off a framed before and after 8×10 of me from the Rock of Ages set = where I’m dressed like an 80’s mom… ugh.  So again, I ask him about the set photographer thing.. again – “I don’t know”…. not getting anywheres….

A few days later – I believe it was Thursday, to be exact – I’m on Craigslist and lo and behold, there is a post for a photographer to shoot on set for a film being shot in Miami! 

Manifestation at its best.  After a few emails, and a phone call or two – I was in Miami at the Tamiami Airport shooting stills and promo shots for a film called International Lovers.  International Lovers Movie Trailer  / set to release later this year!

I had an incredible time, and look forward to more shoots with this cast and crew….as well as getting more into shooting on set with other feature films and shows….

To see more from the shoot – please check out my FB fan page —

Til next time,


to return to my website:

Things to do while in South Florida…1) Hang out on a $200 million dollar movie set with Tom Cruise.

My friend Blake Barbosa who is an aspiring actor, decided to “kidnap” me and take me down to Miami to the set of Adam Shankmans $200 million dollar budgeted movie/musical Rock of Ages starring Tom Cruise and Catherine Zeta-Jones a few weeks ago.  He had been an extra – actually a featured extra – a few times on set, and he knew through the grapevine that they needed more for this particular night/scene that they were shooting…  “Don’t worry Ginger, just wear black clothes and a lot of heavy eyeliner cause they just need “80’s rockers” as extras…You’ll blend in with everyone else….”  So, yes – he kidnapped me and took me down to the set and we went to casting… Apparently he knew the casting guy who was checking people in – I think his name was “Moose??”…  “can you use another person?” he asks.. and “Moose” looks at me and says – “yes, we need her to be a MOTHER!”  WHAT?!?!??!?!??!?!?   ugh.  fast forward 2 1/2 hours later.  wardrobe. makeup. hair.  I am now completely transformed and a “featured” extra on this huge production.  Blake could barely contain himself and thought it was the most hysterical thing he’s ever seen…

I seriously could have killed him….  But, all in all – I had a great time!  I hung out with some great people, including Drag Queen and Personality Elaine Lancaster…  I got to be a featured extra on a HUGE production in scenes along-side Catherine Zeta-Jones, Tom Cruise and Russel Brand among many others that night.   Good times.

It was also a great learning experience.. I got to see a movie set IN ACTION… learned alot of little secrets of how things are done… what goes into filming a minute long scene, etc.. it’s crazy.  And it’s changed how I see movies now. seriously.  I also got to feel what it’s like to feel different – a character… on the other side of the camera….

One more thing off my bucket list I suppose!

It also got me thinking about how “I” could be that photographer running around taking the stills and promo shots on set….. hmmmmm…….

yep, I manifested it and it came true….  That will be my next post! 😀

until next time,


to return to my website –

The Dog Days of Summer…

I’ve often wondered where this saying came from… I’ve imagined a bunch of dogs, running around in the heat of the summer months, panting…looking for relief….  Sounds like it could be true…  but me, the one who seeks out the meaning of all these crazy thoughts and wonders that pop into my head – felt the need to look it up…

And here’s what I found out…  “”Dog Days” (Latin: diēs caniculārēs) are the hottest, most sultry days of summer. In the northern hemisphere, they usually fall between early July and early September.  In the southern hemisphere they are usually between January and early March. The actual dates vary greatly from region to region, depending on latitude and climate.  Dog Days can also define a time period or event that is very hot or stagnant, or marked by dull lack of progress. The name comes from the ancient belief that Sirius, also called the Dog Star, in close proximity to the sun was responsible for the hot weather.”…. And the definition goes on and on – if you want to learn more… check it out –

But I think what stood out for me the most was this — “Dog Days can also define a time period or event that is very hot or stagnant, or marked by dull lack of progress.”  I think I’ve been kinda feeling this lately..


Lack of progress.

I have all these plans and ideas and things swirling all through my head at any given moment… that I can’t seem to control.  I’m a great list-maker….and can give the best of advice to those who are asking in regards to how to make the most of their time, etc…  but for me – putting idea to paper and then executing it is two totally different stories….  Then what happens, is I start procrastinating…. yanno – there’s always tomorrow…  then I feel stagnant – no movement… then the lack of progress steps in…. ugh.  It’s a vicious cycle…  BUT, here’s where I have the ability to change it…

You see… I have the fortune and ability to do WHATEVER I want, at any given moment…  I chose, to Love what I do…and do what I Love.  😀  And that makes all the difference…   I can appear to be busy… and not really busy..  or, I can BE busy.   And when I say this – keep in mind, I’m not just talking about the portrait stuff and photography that allows me to “live”…  I’m talking about the stuff that motivates me to go out and do those things everyday… Shoot for ME.  Shoot for YOU.  Share my world thru a lens….. Through my vision…

Maybe this is all confusing as to how The Dog Days of Summer plays into this…. I guess in my mind, we allow things to stand in our way…. slow us down.  Un-motivate us… Seasons…weather…time.. life.   Just because it’s super hot out everyday, doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy what’s out there….and use it to my benefit.  The key here is to not be stagnant.. or have that lack of progress.  But to have vitality and keep moving forward…

I’ll share something that was posted today on Face Book that I shared on my personal wall, as well as my Fan Page…. and it was that Catalyst that made the difference in my day…. Life is Short.  Make the most of everyday and do what YOU love…

Now if you’ll excuse me…. I have to conquer the world.

Til next time,


to return to my website:


Lions,Tigers and Craigslist…Oh My!

So… I’ve been getting alot of my business from things that I find on Craigslist…I’ve mentioned it in previous posts, and I’ll say it again — IF, you are smart and use common sense – CL doesn’t have to be this scary, creepy place where there are no opportunities or money.  I, my friends, am living proof.  And I always love when I see people “responding” with their 2 cents (which they have every right to) about how everything on there is a scam, cheap people, no money, etc…. well… I say PFFFFFFFT! to that.   Of course, I see some blatant CRAP on there, but of course, I steer clear and move forward… and find those little pieces of gold… I guess you can say I’m a modern day miner of sorts….minus the beard and floppy hat, of course…

Here I am – living proof that you can meet some pretty amazing people, get some pretty amazing contacts, make some pretty decent $$$, and take some pretty amazing pics!  And of course, additional opportunities….  I don’t know, maybe it’s my sales and marketing background – but sometimes you have to take some (smart & safe) chances…I have been fortunate that they have paid off soo far!  People, gear, travel, pics…you get the idea. 

I have had the good fortune of meeting Rhett Price (see one of my first posts) who was my 1st model ever… and has since become a VERY good friend…AND is becoming quite famous in his own rite…    Krista Watterworth – HGTV Host and Designer for a few different projects that have included Pier 1 and also put me in contact with Rob Van Winkle aka Vanilla Ice for a shoot for the DIY Network!  Legacy  Dance Championships which has enabled me to travel all over the US to different cities, for photo sales and taking pics of national dance competition….  McMullen Reps – which had me exhibiting my work at Webster Hall in NYC!  Most recently a shoot with a promotions manager who travels with major name companies around the country… a jewelry designer… a small beachfront wedding and next week, an Int’l Fashion Designer which I will be shooting with on a 2-day project with 12 models!  And many, many more opportunities that would make this blog post way too long!   

Keep searching for that gold — it’s out there – no matter What you do… This world is all about networking…talking to people…shaking their hand and smiling… You never know who knows who…and who might have another opportunity or a referral that is bigger and better….  Find that gold out there… and remember that all those small pebbles might be small, but they do add up – and sometimes you might even trip over a rock that could be a pretty big payday – both monetarily And creatively!!!  I’ll leave you with shots from a “few” of my Craigslist projects…


Mac LeBeau


Rhett Price


Krista Watterworth and Rob “Vanilla Ice” Van Winkle


The Art of Fashion Exhibit @ Webster Hall, NYC

Legacy Dance Championships


Dre Baldwin

There you have it…. Craigslist.  Who whatta thunk?!

Til Next Time,


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